SalesWarp Guide to Unit and Lot Code Systems

SalesWarp Guide to Unit and Lot Code Systems

SalesWarp’s unit and lot code system allows businesses to precisely monitor individual quantities of products within their warehouses. By categorizing inventory into diverse unit types and integrating lot code tracking, SalesWarp technology adds another dimension of control when it comes to effective warehouse management.

Understanding Unit Types in SalesWarp

In a warehouse, units of inventory are categorized into different types, such as pallets, boxes, cartons, sleeves, or cups. These unit types are standardized containers for products. SalesWarp’s system enables businesses to track these individual units for products more accurately, which provides greater visibility into the products in your warehouse.

Smaller units can be grouped into larger ones, providing flexibility in managing inventory. For instance, a pallet may contain multiple cartons, and each carton may contain several sleeves or cups. SalesWarp allows users to dictate the quantity of product allocated into each of those unit types.

The hierarchical structure of SalesWarp’s unit type system allows for each smaller unit to be traced through the lot codes of its parental units. This ability is valuable when dealing with recalls from specific shipments. It allows warehouse managers to pinpoint the exact source of a problem and to act quickly. SalesWarp goes a step further by allowing users to assign distinct serial numbers to each product, offering an even more detailed view.

Understanding Lot Codes in SalesWarp

Lot codes are unique identifiers assigned to specific batches of a product. SalesWarp uses lot code tracking for those different types of units, allowing warehouses to closely monitor product batches. Each unit type can have its own specific lot code, enabling customization based on the requirements of different product categories.

This becomes especially helpful in operations where quality control is essential. SalesWarp’s lot code tracking enables businesses to implement first-in, first-out (FIFO) or first-expired, first-out (FEFO) strategies, ensuring that older or expiring inventory is utilized before newer batches.

Warehouse managers can access real-time information on the quantity and location of products within the warehouse. This allows for more informed decisions about inventory replenishment, picking, and packing processes. They can also allocate resources, ensuring that the right products are available in the right quantities at the right time. This eliminates the risk of stockouts or overstocking, which can lead to lost sales.

By leveraging SalesWarp’s unit and lot code systems, warehouses can maintain accurate inventory records and swiftly address any issues that may arise. If you are interested in optimizing your warehouse, schedule a demo today.